These days I find myself working at my desk much more then I have in like a year! With serval projects going at the same time, I have a hard time keeping up with some of them. Longer working hours means less mommy time for Toddler, but from the sounds he's making from his cool fort right now I don't think he misses me much.
Even though I'm focused on work I do make sure that when Toddler needs me for some one on one time that I'm there. We did spend a good hour an a half today playing in my bed with lots of tickle wars, me feeding him like a king and hiding under the sheets. Then once the rain clears this weekend we'll go somewhere fun to do something special. I know that I could be doing better, but at the same time I think I'm doing pretty good juggling a career at home and a family. Well... that's not the truth, the house is a total mess and the laundry? Yeah, haven't done that in weeks. Aside from that all is well.
Oh, I just realized how I gage how much work I have. If I don't take many personal pictures throughout the week, then I know I'm working hard. I only have four images to share with you for the past two days, that unheard of for me!
It's been such a while since I've posted here, but not because I forgot or don't want to. I've been busy with a month long Blogging e-course, working on a book project and posting on my Inspired blog almost daily. That doesn't include all the other things that go on in our lives.
Since coming back from our long weekend in Virginia life has been cold, but oh so good. There is no better place to be in the world then at home with your family. Toddler has been enjoying playdates galore. On rainy days you'll find him playing with his toy trains and I am usually working the day away.
My whole viewpoint on life has been to live everyday like it's the last. To cherish even the little moments, especially those moments when I'm in the middle of working and Toddler climbs on my desk to sit with me or to hang on my neck. Instead of brushing him off (sometimes I have no choice) I try to be thankful that I have a son that can do that. There are many hurting moms out there who would give anything to be in my shoes and therefore I am thankful for even those moments. Life is so much fuller to as my modo isn't to take things or people for granted. I'm not 100%, but a work in progress.
Here are a few images from our weekly playdate with our favorite friends.
Ps. I received some awesomeness in the mail I'm hoping I'll have time to share with you tomorrow.
We got a membership to the YMCA a while ago, but I haven't used it much since we've got it. There just seems to always be something that comes up, so instead of going to Zumba I'd rather go soak up the sunshine.
Now that Toddler is "two half" I can come to more classes and not just for m, but for him. There will be also more trips once he turns three, but for not it's just the tumbling class for us and kiddie care. We've never done a group class before and today was our first one. Let's just he's a quick learner and loves social groups.
We'll be going back for sure as he loved every second of it!
Updated my Press tab as some new magazines just released!