

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

A Snowy Wet Day

There is something so beautiful about the way snow falls. It's my favorite sound as it gently collects on the ground. If you don't think it makes any sound like rainfall does then go into the mountains on the really snowy day and just listen. Yesterday, you could hear it and with the sound came about 2" of more snow. Now it's just a heeping mess of wet though. Melting snow is no joke!

My husband called me after work to tell me my long awaited 50mm was ready to be picked up. I have waited for those words for two months! When I dropped of my lens it was November. I was told that it would be ready in 2 weeks, but in reality it was 2 months. Now I'm hoping to get back into taking pictures verses making do with my so-so lenses. Anyways, I had to pick up the lens and Tin was enjoying a sort-of sick day.

I thought that a snow day was a perfect day to venture out into the city. In some ways I was right and it was beautiful, but in other ways it was a complete nightmare. The snow was melting at such a fast rate that there were puddles on every corner. Should have brought my wet suit. Things were made worse when Tin got nauseous and I had issues of mine own. At one point I needed to use the restroom and went in a frantic search for one. On our search Tin was having a blast playing in the snow and throwing snow balls at me. In a moment of desperation I turned around to tell Tin to hurry up, as he was falling behind me, when one of his snowballs landed smack dab into my nose. It felt like I was cut my a razor as it threw right at me. I tried with all my might now to hit that kid back because ouch and I HAD TO GO! Luckily I reigned in my anger and frustration because yes, it was an accident and I did turn at the perfect moment. He laughed at first because it was funny, but then his face got so so sad for about 20 min after until I threw a snowball back at him and he was back to his normal self. I did find the restroom which made things a whole lot better!

Things continued to go downhill in some ways like me needing to pay cash for my lens when all I had was plastic. I needed to eat as my body was blood sugar crashing. My husband was teaching his trainings and couldn't help me with money transfers. Despite it all, I want to remember that Tin had to best of attitudes. He just played in the slush his own little games and walked 3 miles around town with me. Finally hubby showed up, saved the day and made this whole messy and wet trip worth it. He lite up my whole day just by showing up and taking the tram home with us. I love that man of mine!

Friday, January 18, 2019

It's Routine

Today I have noticed that I am a little wary of social media. I'll keep my opinions and thoughts about it all to myself. They are not in any way uplifting or edifying. The only thing I'll say is the scary things I have heard about in my childhood when it came to the big 'end of the world' I am actually seeing come to pass. All of this was to say that I will stick to this blog at the moment to capture my memories and families moments. I may forget all about it in the future and continue using my social media like I did before, I'm not making a public commitment.

So, with all of that said, let's get onto with my day at home all by myself. Actually, I am not truly all myself, I have my dog Tucker to keep me company. I wish that he was more of a lazy dog who loves to sleep, but he's not. He likes to play, be super active and eat even if it means licking my floors clean. I try to take him on two walks during the day. In the winter, they are short walks, but I hope to have nice and long ones in the forest during the summer.

When my husband and child are at school I follow a routine for my day. It goes something like this:
Work 8-10am
Have breakfast and take the dog out 10-11am
Crochet for A Year To Inspire with lunch 11am-1:40pm
Put the dog away and get ready for work 1:40-2pm
Work some more 2pm-4pm
Get dinner ready and clean 4-5:30pm
My only true free time and flexibility comes between the 11am-1:40pm time slot, but if I have A Year To Inspire to work on that's what I need to get done first. This schedule has been very good, but it also has taken away a lot of my creative time to do or knit as I please. The plus side is that I have to stay focused and know what I need to work on for that day. I'm sure that once I get used this routine I will find more freedom in that.

Now come all the pretty pictures of my day...

Monday, January 7, 2019

Goals for 2019

When I titled this post Goals for 2019 it doesn't mean concrete "must achieve" goals. It's more like a vision for 2019.

So here are a few things I want to do for 2019:

- Spend more time in worship
- Pray the daily prayer 
- A Year To Inspire
- Devotional every morning
- Some kind of photography project (maybe)
- To read a lot more books this year
- Spend less time on my phone (should be everyone's goal)
- Way less Netflix shows
- Take more walks
- Listen to Audiobooks instead of watching movies
- Write up more blog posts to keep those memories
- Create more home videos of all those beautiful everyday moments

I think that having something to work for is always good. There are some of the things I want to work towards in the coming year. I've watched myself become someone I'm not too excited about these past two years. I've stopped doing the things that sharpen my spirit daily and a couple of years later I am seeing the results. This year I take control of my flesh and work all them things out people!

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