

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Day At Home + Easter Weekend

It feels good to actually post on my scheduled Tuesday when I'm supposed to be posting. 

I've been missing my regular blogging days where I would blog M-W-F on the Inspired Blog and T-Th on here. I always knew that my slow days weren't going to last forever and couldn't wait till things picked up for me, I wanted to have deadlines, we busy traveling and be where I am today. Now that I am here I wished I didn't rush it so much. I know, so typical to say that. We always want what's ahead and forget to truly value where are now. Well, I miss those slow days, but I am truly valuing my today!

We went to Yakima for Easter and enjoyed the slow county life. Oh how I LOVE walks in the country, the birds singing, bound fires with marshmallows! It warmer and sunnier in Yakima then it is in Seattle. I go there to rest, to refresh and to just be. I want that country house now, but I know it will come in its time!

Today was spent cleaning, catching up on to-do lists, and ignoring many other needed things. On day's like these I wish I can do 3 things at once, but who doesn't?! I am just thankful that I get to spend a WHOLE day at home, okay maybe not the whole day, but a good chunk of it. I have ONE last trip to California this Friday and then I am DONE with traveling until its time to go to Slovakia this June after wedding season (my wedding season is short). I have neglected my garden, so it's a late garden year for us again! Better late then never! 

Life is so full, crazy at moments, but oh so beautiful! So thankful for every single day I am blessed enough to live in! 

(Tin got to play with my camera and spent the morning doing a lifestyle session of me) 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Simple and Beautiful

It was a beautiful peaceful and productive day. If really feels so good to take things slow, not rush somewhere. Days like these give me the ability to look around and ignore the little messes and focus on the beauty. 

Tin had a few victories of sorts. He built his first car while reading the Lego instructions with very little help from me. He is very much into building his own designs and giving them fun names. It's 10:40pm and at the moment he is building a boat with wheels that doesn't have a name because "very don't have names". I told him how awesome his boat is and he told me that he can picture it for me. This child is so much like me!

We will be spending the weekend being a family as I'll be spending every weekend out-of-town this month. It's going to be another full month for me. Happy I have days like today!!

This is his new design that he photographed with his own camera. 

Sweet flowers from an even sweeter boy.  


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Beautiful Moments & Beautiful Work

The days are meshing into weeks, but it is filled with lots of beautiful moments and beautiful work. It's hard to find the time to share those moments, but I need to remind myself that even though life is full sharing the moments are worth it. 

We got to plant our first garden box. Soon we will be enjoying fresh radishes and carrots. Tomorrow I am planning on sprouting all the other yummy vegetables that we will enjoy. I am so excited that it is that time of year. I loved it so much last year. I'm hoping for a bigger property as two garden boxes is not enough for all the things I'd like to plant. 

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