

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Beauty comes in Three

I had a fun in the rain photo shoot with 3 young ladies. It was a mom and two daughters even though the mom could easily be their sister. It rained, we got wet & were cold, but had lots of fun. If it wasn't for the umbrella's there would have been no pictures. Thank you Esther for letting me meet your awesome daughters and sharing your family with me. You are all truly fun & inspiring people.

Here's the sneak peak!

Hold on to your umbrella's everyone because you might get blown away. (Hehehe, just thought of that)


















Thursday, October 28, 2010

Husband & Wife-To-Be

Today I had the honor of taking one of my really good friends Save The Date pictures. Erica and Kendall are the perfect couple with truly an amazing love story. After many years of getting close to a date it never happened till recently. In March they will be spending the rest of their lives together with much excitement. Thank you Erica and Kendall for letting me be a part of your beautiful world.

PS. Not all the pictures I picked are the bride-to-be favorites because I want her to have those for the people who will be getting an invite to her wedding with a surprise element.






Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Weekend Recap

It seems like, to me, that most artsy people love the season fall and I'm no exception. There is just something so inspiring about the transition from green to yellows, oranges & reds that captivates the imagination.

One of my favorite things to do is to take a scenic drive somewhere, but to take one in the fall with it's enticing beauty, makes me excited like a little girl in a barbie store. If you didn't like barbies as a little girl or boy then think of a candy store. We did just that on Saturday. I've been wanting to take this drive for a year now. I couldn't find the exact road I wanted to drive down, but it worked out because the one we did find was closer.






The best part of our trip was stumbling upon the Pioneer Farm. I remember going there for a field trip in high school with Mrs. Frank. It was a memorable trip for me. At that age I was heavily into reading periodical novels & pioneer novels. This place was something out of my books.






I even got to buy a sun bonnet for next summer. I've always wanted one since Little House On The Prairie. Am I going to actually wear it come summer time? You betcha! It's just the coolest hat ever.




It was a great way to spend time with the family I love most.






One of the best things about fall being here is finally being able to use our feel fireplace. I really need to enjoy it because when we move into our new house in December it won't be a real fireplace, but just a gas one. Sigh... I guess it will be better then having none at all.




Leaving you with this cute little blue eyed boy.


One proud momma!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

It's all about Cali

Today I had the honor of meeting Cali. She is such a sweet little newborn. Loves her parents and sister already, wanting to be held by them and just to be near. The house was full of love and there was still room for fun. My favorite part of my visit, other then taking Cali's pictures, is when she snored as she slept. I think that was the cutest thing I have ever heard from a newborn before.
I just had a great time at there house and am so thankful that Rachel watched Little Guy as I was clicking my camera away. Glen also was a great babysitter. They are just such an amazing family, I couldn't say enough about how great they are.

So here's the sneak preview:







Such a cute idea Rachel, so glad we did it.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I have a feeling I'm home

Have you ever been to a place where you feel like you're home? I've never lived in California, but whenever I am there I feel like I am home. I love California! It is such a beautiful state. I love all the plam trees, the flowers, the gardens, the vineyards, the water and best of all pomogranites.


As I'm writing this we are thousands of feet in the air, enjoying my sleeping baby and virgin Mary. This is the perfect time to write about our trip to Palm Springs. Honestly I'd much rather be sleeping at this moment because I'm tired from my trip, but I should get this part done while I can. When we get back home my days will be filled with laundry, cleaning and our upcoming XS event this Sunday not to mention a photoshoot with Rachel's baby girl on Thursday.
I've been in need of a new camera for years, my old one wasn't cutting it anymore. Also when your doing a photoshoot and that person says, "we have the same camera" that's when you know its time to upgrade or for me at least. My husband believes in delayed gratification and I do to, but I really wanted my new camera. I held out for 6 months or should I say my husband held out for 6 months? Anyway an answer to my prayer (on Thursday) my hubby agreed to get me a new camera. Just in time to. It turned out I had left my camera in my dads car as he was dropping us off. Guess whose an owner of a brand new camera with an extra lens?! Yupe, me! I'm so excited, and I got to break it in during the last part of our trip. Now I'm just unstoppable. "Can't touch this..." is the song that rings in my head as I do a little shake.
The conference was amazing. It was awesome having our friends & business partners Sean & Stephanie with us. I'm truly honored to have them as our friends. They have a beautiful baby girl at they left at home. It was hard for Stephanie, but she did great & now she is so close to being with her baby.
I, on the other hand, got to take my baby with me. He was such a good baby. I think he really likes Palm Springs and is crushing on my best friend Heli who helped us watch him. He got to eat lots of fruit at the restaurants leaving a big fruit pile on the floor.




I think his favorite new thing was blowing bubbles into his cup through a straw.

Stephanie and I got a little girls night moment as Little Guy napped next to me. We were talking about our exciting future, our photography careers, the good ol' choir days & took lots of pictures. There was nice music playing for us too.



When baby was up Stephanie and I ran around the hotel taking pictures as the men watch Little Guy, but he cried whenever I stepped away, but what fun! The hotel we stayed at was very modern, but classy which meant lots of things to photograph.

Little Guy also broke a glass from the bar.


We got to have a nice diner outside and boy was it yummy! It was also a surprisingly windy out. To my standard it got cold, but it really was only in the 70's. Yes, sometimes Washington feels more like Alaska to me. I'm a California girl at heart.


Today I got up early and our little family went on a walk to the door. I wanted to take pictures of this really cool door we kept on driving by all weekend. It took longer then I thought and going without breakfast wasn't smart. It did give me an oppurtunity to take some pictures of my favorite things like the palm trees and my favorite California flowers.

That's the DOOR.



Little Guy spent the walk pulling on daddy's ears (so funny & cute) and pulling on flowers. We had a great walk though, good memories for sure.





Then I got my coffee and breakfast.




One of those really cute father/son moments that I heart.

After our nap & a panic packing session we had a family photo-shoot session with Stephanie. I'm very excited to see how the pictures turn out. We were having a great time in the sun, by the pool while she was clicking away. I got some shots of her and Sean too.





He was glued to the sand, but got banned for putting it into his mouth.





This trip was been one of my favorite trips to add to the other and many more to come. I wonder where we will be going next time? I'm believing for somewhere warm!


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