

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Bratislava, Slovakia

Since Hubby and I spent a long time away from Toddler we decided that we wanted to do something special just for him. That something special was taking him on a train ride. He was so excited and Im glad that we had the opportunity to do something special for him. He might not remember it when he grows up, but I sure will!



Walking around the beautiful city went fast! I guess it was because I loved having my family with me.

There was so much to see and explore this time. It was my 3rd time in this city, but it felt like my first. Toddler had a great time running around through the streets.










There is just something about Europe that is so beautiful and that something is the architecture. Everywhere you look there are beautiful houses, buildings and doors. I can just sit outside for hours and drink it all in unfortunately it was a little rainy for that, but when we come back in the summer.








I've decided to change back to my old blog layout. I've had some complaints from people (hubby) who are uses devices other then a computer to view the blog, it made it difficult to view the images. Other input would be helpful too. Unless I figure out a better way to do things I think I'll stick to this one.


My mother-in-law made this amazingly wonderful bread that is only eaten on Christmas day.





Well, I have a great date night planned with the hubby and then a photo-shoot planned for tomorrow. I'm hoping to post tomorrow!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas this Year...

was perfect! I love the way my family celebrates it here in Slovakia.

The Christmas tree gets decorated in this house on Christmas Eve and stays up all the way into January. For Christmas dinner the table is beautifully set and there are traditions before you eat.

1. Peaces of fruit get passed around so that no matter how much or little there is we will always share.
2. We pick some nuts and pick a corner of the house to throw it in so that even if we part into 4 corner of the world we will come back next year and meet at the Christmas table.

Then we get some wine before we eat which happened to be cherry wine from the families vineyard. After all of that we eat the best cabbage soup made out of 3 types of meat and sourkraut with bread. Oh I forgot the waffles! They take these light cracker waffles and rub garlic on them and then pour honey in the center and eat it. I thought they were so weird until I tried it then I just wanted to grab the whole basket and run so that I didn't need to share.

Once Toddler went to bed we got to say up late and play games together. It was perfect like states above. I'll need to adopt some of these traditions like the soup, yum!

Well, it's 8:04pm on Christmas and we are off to Grandma's.







Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Germany Trip

Its been more then a week since I've blogged. I promised to blog everyday about my adventures in Germany. Little did I know I would get in an inspired funk, not only that why external hard drive gave out with all my images in it.

I also realized that when packing I forgot the cable that downloads my images into my computer and my camera battery charger. It just feels like I was getting hit with one thing or another. Luckily non of it is stopping me.

For some reason I'm not enjoying my trip to Germany as much at I thought I would. Don't get me wrong I love it and all, but I'm kinda numb to this place. We went to a city with a beautiful castle in it and that was the only time I truly felt inspired and when I snowed in the town we are in. Other then that I don't even want to get out of bed. Like today, I have many gifts I need to buy for leaving for the airport for Slovakia and I find myself tucked in bed learning about photography and planning upcoming shoots when we come back from Europe.

I kinda feel lost here in Germany. Even if I get inspired while here I wouldn't know what to do with it. I also realized what truly inspires me and that's locations, places and scenery. If I see something breathtaking here I can't take it to America for a photo sessions. We don't have such buildings and castles as they do here in Europe.

We have 3 more weeks here in Europe and I pray I snap out of it so that I can drink in my surroundings and come back a better me and photographer. I miss my friends, church and life back home. I'm no longer used to sitting around with nothing to do other then eat, shop and edit.

The best part about this trip are the things that I've discovered about myself.
1. I can't work alone let alone be alone without a persons company (I get NOTHING done).
2. My dreams and passions are inbeaded into me no matter what I do or how I feel.
(I had written so much more, but had lost internet in Germany.)

Right now it's 12am and I won't finish what I've lost, but I do plan on writing a lot more now that I'm with my son and family. I feel like I'm home!




Sunday, December 11, 2011

Frankfurt, Germany

It’s 2:25pm in America, but in Germany it’s 11:25pm which means I am tired and ready for bed after a full day. It just amazes me how I am ready for bed after a long day, but most of the people I know still have most of the day ahead of them.
When we got up this morning it was a beautiful and sunny day. After breakfast and the usually morning stuff we decided to go to the castle in Nitra, but by the time we got out of the house the sun had left and all we had were gray clouds and freezing temperatures. Despite all that we had a great time at the Castle running after Augustin, taking pictures and just enjoying being together.
Then it was time to pack and go to Germany, Frankfurt. We are here till tomorrow morning and then we drive to Bed Hersfeld where we still send a week an a half there. 
I apologize that all these images are from my cell phone and most have already been posted on Facebook. So if you’ve seen them already, I am sorry. I’m going to buy a cable for my camera tomorrow and hope to be able to finally download images from my camera.
Have a great day everyone and I’ll have an awesome night!






Saturday, December 10, 2011

Our First Day In Slovakia

So it's been a super long time since I've blog and my how I've missed it!

It's currently 1am in here Slovakia so I'm going to make this post short. We few in safely and the trip went fairly well. There were only a few minor things that happened, but when traveling for a whole day you expect things not to go 100% smoothly. Toddler only had a 4 hour night and then slept for 14 hours here in Slovakia.

We are having a great time! This is actually my best trip. I'm not preggo and not 4 months postpartum.

Lubos and I fly out to Germany tomorrow so they may or may not be a post.

The images that I'm loading are all on the same template. I have to fix the template because it cuts off half my picture and it's just not the same them. So the posts after this one will be much better! There's more pictures, but it's way to late to post them all.









Let me know what you think! I'd love to hear it!

Oh and you can also follow me on Instagram if you have an iPhone under @annettabosakova and if you don't have an iPhone you can find me on http://followgram.me/annettabosakova for all my pictures from the trip! It's fun and beautiful!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Odds and Ends

It's raining outside, the sky is dark and our lights are on inside the house at 3:15pm.

I'm having a battle with myself. All the want to do and have done the past few hours is read my new book I just got for our trip. The trip is in 2 weeks, but I just might be done with the book by then. That's one of the huge reasons why I don't buy novels. I love reading them way too much.

At least I took Toddler to get his haircut (we love Bella and Max) and buy some new toys at the Country Village. I picked out the perfect toys too. He's very much into trains, planes and garbage trucks. Guess what I got him? All three! The plane and train are  small enough to take on our trip with us so that he has something to do while we are thousands of feet in the air. So far he has the Kindle for books, movies and games plus the little toys we just got. I'm just speaking that the trip will go smoothly.

For some days now Toddler has been wanting to sleep with certain toys. As I tuck him in to bed he says, "Mommy?"
"Yes, Augustin?"
"Okay I'll go get it. Here you go."
"Yes, Augustin?"
And you can see where this conversation is going. By the end of it all he has his car, dog, book and bible in bed with him all tucked in. It first started with the bible and everyday the list gets bigger until he get caught off. I mean does a kid really need all these things to sleep? He spends the next half hour in bed playing and talking!

So that's the randomness of today. I'm hoping I can get some work done before I have a friend over, maybe not. I have to go wash the lip liner from my sons face.




Monday, November 21, 2011

Our Playdates

Since I've found a good balance between being a photographer/business owner and mom I've been able to give my son the attention and love he needs on a daily basis from me.

One of the ways I love to spend our mornings are playdates. We've just stated getting into them recently and I've found that it is a beautiful way to give my son fun time with friends and I also get to spend time with some awesome moms.

It's amazing what I learn from some of these incredible moms. I love watching how they treat their kids, what they teach them and figure out who they are as a family. I also find a lot of things that I want to learn and implement in the way that I parent Toddler. To me, playdates are a blessing and I'm starting to have a pretty good list of people I've love to spend my mornings with. I'm also hoping that with enough playdates Toddler won't feel lonely in the fact that he has no brothers or sisters yet.

It will be interesting to see how we transition back into our regular lives after we get back from Slovakia. It's usually the hardest, but I'm believing that our playdates are to stay.

Oh and Toddler got his immunizations today. I'm generally not one to give my son immunizations until he get older and with a delayed schedule, but since we are traveling out of the country I didn't have much of a choice. He's a trooper every time, even from birth! This time as the first stab was over his reaction was, "Ouch!" the second one was, "OUCH!" with tears for about 10 seconds and that was it. He did so well at his playdate today, but did end up watching 'Kipper The Dog' for 3 hrs because he needed rest. The funny part was after that rest he was ready for a mini playdate and ran around the house for a good hour. Love how tough he is.


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