

Monday, November 21, 2011

Our Playdates

Since I've found a good balance between being a photographer/business owner and mom I've been able to give my son the attention and love he needs on a daily basis from me.

One of the ways I love to spend our mornings are playdates. We've just stated getting into them recently and I've found that it is a beautiful way to give my son fun time with friends and I also get to spend time with some awesome moms.

It's amazing what I learn from some of these incredible moms. I love watching how they treat their kids, what they teach them and figure out who they are as a family. I also find a lot of things that I want to learn and implement in the way that I parent Toddler. To me, playdates are a blessing and I'm starting to have a pretty good list of people I've love to spend my mornings with. I'm also hoping that with enough playdates Toddler won't feel lonely in the fact that he has no brothers or sisters yet.

It will be interesting to see how we transition back into our regular lives after we get back from Slovakia. It's usually the hardest, but I'm believing that our playdates are to stay.

Oh and Toddler got his immunizations today. I'm generally not one to give my son immunizations until he get older and with a delayed schedule, but since we are traveling out of the country I didn't have much of a choice. He's a trooper every time, even from birth! This time as the first stab was over his reaction was, "Ouch!" the second one was, "OUCH!" with tears for about 10 seconds and that was it. He did so well at his playdate today, but did end up watching 'Kipper The Dog' for 3 hrs because he needed rest. The funny part was after that rest he was ready for a mini playdate and ran around the house for a good hour. Love how tough he is.



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