

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Frankfurt, Germany

It’s 2:25pm in America, but in Germany it’s 11:25pm which means I am tired and ready for bed after a full day. It just amazes me how I am ready for bed after a long day, but most of the people I know still have most of the day ahead of them.
When we got up this morning it was a beautiful and sunny day. After breakfast and the usually morning stuff we decided to go to the castle in Nitra, but by the time we got out of the house the sun had left and all we had were gray clouds and freezing temperatures. Despite all that we had a great time at the Castle running after Augustin, taking pictures and just enjoying being together.
Then it was time to pack and go to Germany, Frankfurt. We are here till tomorrow morning and then we drive to Bed Hersfeld where we still send a week an a half there. 
I apologize that all these images are from my cell phone and most have already been posted on Facebook. So if you’ve seen them already, I am sorry. I’m going to buy a cable for my camera tomorrow and hope to be able to finally download images from my camera.
Have a great day everyone and I’ll have an awesome night!






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