

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Day At Home + Easter Weekend

It feels good to actually post on my scheduled Tuesday when I'm supposed to be posting. 

I've been missing my regular blogging days where I would blog M-W-F on the Inspired Blog and T-Th on here. I always knew that my slow days weren't going to last forever and couldn't wait till things picked up for me, I wanted to have deadlines, we busy traveling and be where I am today. Now that I am here I wished I didn't rush it so much. I know, so typical to say that. We always want what's ahead and forget to truly value where are now. Well, I miss those slow days, but I am truly valuing my today!

We went to Yakima for Easter and enjoyed the slow county life. Oh how I LOVE walks in the country, the birds singing, bound fires with marshmallows! It warmer and sunnier in Yakima then it is in Seattle. I go there to rest, to refresh and to just be. I want that country house now, but I know it will come in its time!

Today was spent cleaning, catching up on to-do lists, and ignoring many other needed things. On day's like these I wish I can do 3 things at once, but who doesn't?! I am just thankful that I get to spend a WHOLE day at home, okay maybe not the whole day, but a good chunk of it. I have ONE last trip to California this Friday and then I am DONE with traveling until its time to go to Slovakia this June after wedding season (my wedding season is short). I have neglected my garden, so it's a late garden year for us again! Better late then never! 

Life is so full, crazy at moments, but oh so beautiful! So thankful for every single day I am blessed enough to live in! 

(Tin got to play with my camera and spent the morning doing a lifestyle session of me) 

1 comment:

  1. Such sweet and lovely photos! Bless you in your busy season!


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