

Monday, January 7, 2019

Goals for 2019

When I titled this post Goals for 2019 it doesn't mean concrete "must achieve" goals. It's more like a vision for 2019.

So here are a few things I want to do for 2019:

- Spend more time in worship
- Pray the daily prayer 
- A Year To Inspire
- Devotional every morning
- Some kind of photography project (maybe)
- To read a lot more books this year
- Spend less time on my phone (should be everyone's goal)
- Way less Netflix shows
- Take more walks
- Listen to Audiobooks instead of watching movies
- Write up more blog posts to keep those memories
- Create more home videos of all those beautiful everyday moments

I think that having something to work for is always good. There are some of the things I want to work towards in the coming year. I've watched myself become someone I'm not too excited about these past two years. I've stopped doing the things that sharpen my spirit daily and a couple of years later I am seeing the results. This year I take control of my flesh and work all them things out people!

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