

Monday, October 1, 2012

My Little Tumbler

We got a membership to the YMCA a while ago, but I haven't used it much since we've got it. There just seems to always be something that comes up, so instead of going to Zumba I'd rather go soak up the sunshine. 
Now that Toddler is "two half" I can come to more classes and not just for m, but for him. There will be also more trips once he turns three, but for not it's just the tumbling class for us and kiddie care. We've never done a group class before and today was our first one. Let's just he's a quick learner and loves social groups.
We'll be going back for sure as he loved every second of it!
Updated my Press tab as some new magazines just released!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Annetta! I LOVE those pretty pumpkins! So cute! It's very nice to meet you ^_^ (BYW)


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