

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Red Sweater

It amazes me how much energy I have once my mom isn't home to help me and the amount of things I can get done. Today has mostly been a work day for me. It makes me happy that I can work and do it in the comforts of my home. I setup an order for my favorite online products, did a little bit of cleaning, sent off some emails, had some bible time and took care of my son while I talked to Erica as she cleaned our house. In these moments I feel so blessed. Yes I didn't get a nap and my to-do list is very ambitious, but life has a way of giving me energy when I live it to the fullest. I'm also very proud of my son for taking two long naps with one more to go while he is teething. Those naps are my cramming sessions, how much can I get done while he is resting? More then I thought possible.


Actually I got to do some of my little guy's laundry. It turned out to be that his laundry pile was higher then him, well him sitting at least. Since he has started to scoot crawl like a pro, we have been going through close very quickly. Now I have a chance to put on every since outfit he has, which is alot.


We didn't get much time to be outside today except for a little grass pulling session. During our little outside adventure hubby came home. Little Guy was super excited to see his daddy come home. Other then the plumber fixing our tub (yay, we can shower) that was most of our day.




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