

Monday, February 27, 2012


It's been a while since I've written in here, but I've been restructuring some things and shifting my focus on more of what I love. I post daily on my other blog and the posts are more me. I haven't given this one up as it will be more of a family blog and client blog.

The past couple of weeks Toddler and I've been spending most of our days indoors due to the weather. We did have a few great adventures here and there, but they are rare. He's been growing up so much since we've gotten back from Europe. Right now we are in a season where going to nap or sleep is very hard. He will put up the biggest fuss even if he knows he needs that sleep.

My goal this week is to get his 2 yr-old pictures done and then post them because I really need to give this kid a hair cut.





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