Woke up this morning to a beautiful sunny day. I’ve only been out of bed for 10 minutes, but I already have my x100v around my neck snapping pictures of all this gorgeous light flooding my house. On dark and grey winter days light is a precious gift. I am setting myself a goal today. No Instagram stories, but a real blog post and my images will only be taken by my new Fujifilm x100v. Setting boundaries for our creativity is a beautiful way to grow, learn new things and be more present without thinking about engagement on social media. So let me go make my cup of coffee and take some creative images of it and my morning.
These past holiday weeks with my family all at home and us having all this wonderful time at our disposal, I am struggling with the fact that things go back to normal in a few days. Lubos goes back to work which will take most of his time and thoughts. Tin is back at school, back to homework and routines. I am back to work myself, but my heart is in creative mode. I’ve enjoyed this holiday season so much that I don’t want it to end. I want to stay home with my camera, inspiration and creative works, but I know it won’t be the same once the men go back to their routines. The loneliness will kick in, the dark clouds will roll back in and I will feel lost. I am trying my best to enjoy this creative time and wait for when the school year finishes so that I can shift back into working on Inspired by Annetta full time. Praying that God gives me the patience for when He has me get back into it at His time and not mine.
Being present to the right now, to what God put in front of you in this season can be so hard. We want to chase down the future, but then all we end of doing is chasing until be run out of breath instead of being present and thankful for today, for this season. Us humans can be so annoying! I am guilty of this and therefore I pray for my heart to be present and to look forward to the future, but not to miss today. Have you found yourself dismissing today because it’s not the future, but yet wanting things now and missing what you do have now? After my nephew’s were murdered and I had a near death experience with the birth of my son I stopped doing that. I do get caught up in it once in a while, but I’ve realised how I just can’t live like that.
So with that I share images of my house that I spent this morning cleaning, my projects and my coffee because this is today, this is now and it is beautiful. I have two more hours before Petronela (my bestie) and I go out into town as she runs some errands and I take pictures so I’ll cross stitch and enjoy the house without the Christmas tree as that had it’s season too.
I love this!! I am the same and have to keep choosing to be present and be thankful for today. Thank you for sharing all of that😍 the pictures are so beautiful ❤️ And yes and amen! Praying that God will also reveal His time and His way for the future! Love you bestie