

Friday, April 13, 2012

Crazy Inspired

This morning my mom was kind enough to take Toddler with her to my aunts house for half the day because I have such a huge to-do list. For some reason in between working on my urgent to-do list I've been consumed with inspiration. Everywhere I look, read and touch is a new idea or a beautiful pictures.



Thankfully I still am able to go through my to-do list and work on my inspirations since Toddler isn't around to distract me. 

"Bye Mommy!!"

I'm in the process of reading this incredible book by Robert Schuller Move Ahead With Possibility Thinking and not only is it an incredible book, but it's also full of inspirations and idea's that I've been able to combine with my photography. Who wouldn't love that?!



There are also a few things for me to be excited about:
1. Going to Ikea for european style bedding
2. Our family trip to California is Wednesday
3. A big shopping budget for summer clothes

I am looking forward to being back to my blogging schedule next week.



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