

Monday, July 23, 2012

Halfway Through

So much has happened since the last time I posted. My father-in-law went back to Slovakia yesterday marking their trip at the half point mark, it was so sad to have him go.

With trips to my uncles orchards, the river, berry picking and may more places we really enjoyed all the time we had together. With my mother-in-law still in town we have many more things planned. We only have a month once a year with them. Having the whole family together and my son with his grandparents makes things so right. It just warms my heart the love he shares with them.

I have a slew of pictures of them together, sharing precious moments. I'm too far behind to post all the images that are so close to my heart, but I will post about our last trip together before my father-in-law had to fly away.

We went to Ocean Shores on Saturday. My father-in-law wanted to see the ocean as Slovakia is surrounded by land. We had such a wonderful time and to our surprise there was no wind like there usually is by the sea. It was a gorgeous day! The sunset was worth coming home at midnight.









Aside from my beautiful family I'm just overly happy to see the sun shine a few days out of the week. It does feel like fall these past couple of days, but I've been filling my days with pretty white things to keep me happy. A few of those things are also new books from Amazon, sample fabrics and vintage books.




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