

Friday, December 31, 2010

It's ONE-derful

I'm in love with this picture and the face in it. I can't help, but post it everywhere. This picture decided the little blessing in my life perfectly.


What a great day it was outside! It was simply beautiful. The sun was out shinning perfectly on the snow that still lays on the ground at our house. I wouldn't mind it if the snow decided to not go away until Spring. We just need a good ol' blizzard or two.


With all that snow it just wouldn't have been me without enjoying my cup of tea.


My baby's first birthday party is January 1st. I am very thankful for the people who are gonna be there to share this special moment with my family, it means the world to me.


His real birthday is January 10th, born the day before my birthday. I'm going to post his birth story on his birthday and it's gonna be long and hopefully inspiring. God saved my life after Augustin's birth and I would like to share the miracle with anyone who would like to hear it.


I've been planning his party for some months now. I'm a big party person. I love me a good well planned, fun party. I understand that not everyone is into parties or finds them important, but I like to celebrate and what better way to celebrate then to celebrate a life? The theme is 'Winter ONE-derland' with blue, silver and white.

Despite the fact that I started planning it some months back, I have changed the theme last minute a couple of weeks back and find myself unprepared.

The beautiful blue crown that I ordered from TwoLittleBluebirds on Esty isn't coming in time for the party! I gave her the wrong address like I gave almost everyone the wrong address to our new house. I guess that's what happens when you move some days before Christmas and a birthday party. She did work with me and try to get the crown to the house. I was very much happy and impressed with her service and know that I will be using her again for my crown.

Luckily I'll be able to make him a dinky little crown sown by me. I'd do away with the crown, but all the little kids are going to design their own crowns and wear them as party hats, I'll even have one. That's how negatives get turned into positives.


As you can see my 'working' station is a big mess with little projects for the party. Honestly, I should be focusing on that, but I'll just be staying up late today to get some things done since I was running errands and going to a business meeting in the evening.


The funniest part of today and the part where Little Guy and I truly enjoyed was having a mini-photo session for his birthday banner. We rolled around on the carpet, downstairs, growled at each other and played dress up. These moments make being a mommy better then any hidden treasure in the world.


The smile on his face when I charged towards him as he squeals a shriek was so fun. If time could stand still I would pick a moment like this, when all is right  in my world. Plus he's such a fun little boy with so much smiles, laughs and energy that even on a hard day he will make your day shine.


Along with the mini-session we had vacuum rides around the house. It must make him feel so grown up when he gets to stand on the vacuum and I ride him around the house because it seems like he almost holds his breath.



Not only does he like vacuum rides and climbing on it he also loves climbing period. He will find anything that he can climb and stand on.


My mom was smart enough to ask my brother if he can come over to watch the Little Guy. I'm glad they did because my brother is great with him. He even made him a little man our of a balloon and stuff he found around the house. I'm sure Little Guy blessed my brother too because it hasn't been the same for him since my nephews went to be with Jesus.



I hope that everyone has a great New Years! My next post will be in 2011 and I'm hoping for an incredible year full of photo-shoots, smiles, laughter, creatively, growth, life, friends and family.


Till next year!

Sorry for spelling and grammar errors, means I didn't have time to proof read. If this note is gone then I found the time. 

1 comment:

  1. Your son is adorable. I bet he just loves riding on the vacuum cleaner. (I would) They are so much fun at that age. My "baby" is all grown up. He turned 25 this year. I was fortunate enough to be a stay at home Mom until he turned 16. I'm so glad to have been able to spend so much time with him.


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