

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The moving bug...

...has finally made its bite and boy does it sting. Well, I'm sure it will very, very soon!

After not hearing from the bank for weeks we get our keys tomorrow! Nothing since today has been packed because we had no clue when or even if we were going to move. There is a part of me that's glad that I waited till the last minute, my house is a reck! I'm not one of those people that can live in a complete state of chaos or with boxes all around. I like to have my house packed a week before the move and unpacked and decorated one week after the move. It worked last time so I'll see how realistic it really is with an energetic 11 month old and mom who likes to keep everything. 

I am so thankful to those who have offered to help because I might have to take them up on it too. It's great to have good friends!

Looking around the room I see that I got the ball rolling, but I will miss my nicely decorated little living room.



Watch my box pile grow!

I feel like a stranger at my own desk! Where are all my pictures of my beautiful family? They're in a box waiting for a new office, a REAL office at that too. I'll cover the walls sky high with pictures.

While I was at Wordshop, Augustin gave my mom a workout I guess. So I took him to the Laurelhurst Community Center for the last time and actually brought my camera with me! I also brought my laptop to get some work done while Little Guy played. 

He liked the bouncy house!



He's so grown up that he is now STANDING all on his own whenever he wants! 


I'm thinking walking isn't too far behind. I need me some baby gates for our new house, since there will be stairs. 
Oh and he doesn't only try to cuddle on little girls, he likes cuddling balls too. He's just a lovie dovie (<---sp?) kinda guy.


He also went shopping (not really, but we'll pretend).


I tried to take a really cute picture with the two of us but yeah... it didn't turn out. Little Guy just wanted to do nothing with pictures at that moment. Never thought that day would come. They grow up so fast!


No worries though. I managed to get some work done and wrote out some good tips for those who book a photo-shoot with me to look their best. It was a successful play-time for me!




Photo Tip:
Your lighting paints a story.


See a difference? 

1 comment:

  1. you are absolutely GORGEOUS...hooray for moving! change is always refreshing! good luck!


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