Today was no different then any other morning for us. Yesterday it rained. Today it was sunny. I guess that is different.
Soon the rains will roll in without end in site. My goal this year is to not complain. I might once in a while, but for the most part I shall refrain from what everyone already knows.
I've come up with a plan that will keep Augustin and I entertained thought those rainy month. My big creative plan is to actually go out every morning and enjoy the nature. We are going to take the time and truly drink in the Northwest with all of it green beauty. Rain, shine or snow we shall brave this monster called winter with joy and peace in our hearts. I know that there are people out there who wish that they were here as much as I wish to be in Cali, so I'll pretend to be them and make the best of things.
The best part of this whole plan is that I get to go shopping! We'll need rain boots, sweaters, hot chocolate, coats and all that good stuff. If anyone would like to join our adventures we'd LOVE to have you.
Beautiful pictures and beautiful post! Loving your blog Annetta!