

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

November Blogging Challenge

I've attempted to start blogging many times and have yet to succeed in a routine. With that said, this month I have given myself a challenge to blog 5-6 images per day about our day. 

I realize that our days go from being very basic to very adventurous, but none of it gets documented. I have images, lots of them actually. The sad part is none of those images come with words. I love putting our day into writing and adding my photography with them to create our story. It's a beautiful story to look back on and such wonderful memories to browse through. There are days where we can spend hours going through my blog here and reliving the memories.

It was a school day today and school days have become mundane. We sit at home. Hubby does his work, goes to the grocery store and takes care of the dog. Augustin plays when he gets even the littlest window, does school in between snacking and running around. I do my thing, take pictures, clean, cook and so on. Nothing special really happens during the week because of homeschool. I didn't realize what school does to a family. You really can't just go out and enjoy life because there is an education to be had for our kids. That ties us all done. Honestly, our airstream homeschooling did not prepare us for 4-6 hours of school EVERY SINLGE DAY. Okay, truth is we enjoy a slow morning and don't get to school till noon some days and that is a blessing plus we are spoiled and I'm okay with that.

Some days ago I decided that we need to go on family walks every single day that we are home. We have a house that's behind a lake with beautiful paths to walk yet most day we do not go outside to enjoy fresh air and the beautiful sunsets. We are not in Seattle anymore so most days are sunny and clear (cold though) which gives us many days of good walking weather. Getting out of the house releases stress, gives us fresh air and is the perfect break.

We have been so blessed to be living in such a beautiful area of Slovakia. Actually, there are many beautiful area's here in Slovakia, we just live in one a small corner of the beauty. 
I'm excited to start sharing more and regularly!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for blogging. I'm looking forward to following your blog again.


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