

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Birthday Wishes

Today my sweet husband turned 30! 

We celebrated last night with my brother and parents, then today Toddler and I took him out to eat and shopping. He's not too big on his birthday nor for the holiday's, but I round that out for the both of us as I'm huge on birthday's and holiday's. 

I cannot express how blessed I got in the husband department. I love my man so much! He's pretty much everything I ever wanted and pray for in a man. His heart is so big, caring and giving. The best part is that he's a really great dad, our son adores his father. I love and respect him so much. My prayer is that I become more of a wife that he needs me to be. 

In toddler news: he decided he wanted to fly today while jumping on the couch, but flew off the couch, which wasn't his goal. I know he got hurt pretty badly, but I couldn't help but laugh. I know that sounds wrong of me, but I kid wanted to fly and he did just that expect he flew face down into the ground. It was the perfect opportunity to teach him that jumping on a couch or bed is never a good idea, I pray he learned that lesson. PS. The bump on the head is gone after we iced it and he is completely okay, just walked away with a lesson learned the hard way.

Tomorrow we go on the Christmas train for Toddler's second train ride. He's been excited about it for days. Right now he's sleeping with his ticket with trains running through his dreams. I pray we all have a blast and make the best of memories. 



  1. What a beautiful collection of images of your lovely family. Happy birthday to your man!
    Ingrid xx


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