

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Coastal Highway: A Family Portrait

We are currently in a hotel room in the city of Garberville, CA near the redwood forest. We got into the room about 40 minutes ago. I hoped onto the computer as soon as I could so that I can get Friday's post out to you.

The pictures that you'll see in this post are mostly pictures of us with half of them on self-timer. The more beautiful and scenic images you'll have to wait till I post on The Inspired Blog. I have the perfect plan for a gorgeous post, but I can't reveal it in case it doesn't pan out. 

Tomorrow we plan on hanging out and exploring the redwood forest before we head back home for the night. I've been wanted to explore that forest for almost 4 years now and am so excited to finally have the chance to do it! The last serval days have been pretty amazing and great fun although the last serval hours to the hotel was rough as there were many curves in the road with strong wind and rain. We actually were lucky because we decided to take hwy 1 & 101 home unlike my aunt and uncle who then had to back-trek from I-5 due to snow closer. 

By the time we reach home Christmas will be upon us faster then we can wrap all the presents even though mine are all unwrapped already. Anyway, here are the pictures from the last two days and I may or may not come back earlier then Wednesday with a follow-up post and a post about the Christmas train I forgot to do.

PS. Too tired to proofread, might do it later.


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