

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Meeting Jesus Outside

Augustin has his friend over today, like every Wednesday, so I made sure to feed them and head outside. It’s so sunny and warm for February that it was wrong to knit or Crosstitch and watch YouTube. My heart needed to get outside! And now that I am outside praying and worshiping God my thoughts are clear and my heart is healing. 

Life can get so complicating and the only thing that can unpack those complications is a relationship with Jesus. So I am slowly walking with my camera in hand surrendering my thoughts, heart and my attitudes to Jesus and asking for His healing, for His restoration and for His life. The best part about this is that he is answering my prayers!! 

The sunshine in and of itself is healing and restoring. Winter isn’t over yet but this glimpse of spring and sunshine really warms the heart and brings around a sense of joy and inspiration. As I walk I do it very slowly so that I can examine every single detail I see on the streets of Raca. I peek into peoples yards to see what is budding, what is about to grow and bloom. I make sure to notice all the colors around me. I’m also thanking Jesus for meeting me here. I’m also realizing how much I need these quiet walks. It’s a simple thing that’s for free but brings around so much joy and peace with a side of adventure and discovery. 

Now I am ready to go home with my cup, my heart and my camera full. Note to self: when life is heavy, go outside and seek Jesus.

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